The legacy SnipMate parser is deprecated. Please see :h SnipMate-deprecate.

发布时间: 2021-03-31 09:42:04 作者: 大象笔记

On my new machine for developing, after install snipmate bundle, error shows when launch VIM.

The legacy SnipMate parser is deprecated. Please see :h SnipMate-deprecate.

As tips, enter

:h SnipMate-deprecate

messages show:

The legacy parser, version 0, is deprecated. It is currently still the default
parser, but that will be changing. NOTE that switching which parser you use
could require changes to your snippets--see the previous section.

To continue using the old parser, set g:snipMate.snippet_version (see
|SnipMate-options|) to 0 in your |vimrc|.

Setting g:snipMate.snippet_version to either 0 or 1 will remove the start up
message. One way this can be done--to use the new parser--is as follows:
    let g:snipMate = { 'snippet_version' : 1 }

So add

let g:snipMate = { 'snippet_version' : 1 }

to .vimrc, and relaunch VIM, error was fixed.
