Expo 官方文档适合作为 React Native 的入门教程

更新日期: 2025-02-01 阅读次数: 837 字数: 503 分类: ReactJS

Expo 这个文档写的非常好。通俗易懂。细节也到位。强烈推荐。甚至比 React Native 国内的书籍要好很多。


一共分9个小节, 把 react native 的基础概念都覆盖到了:

  1. Create your first app
  2. Add navigation
  3. Build a screen
  4. Use an image picker
  5. Create a modal
  6. Add gestures
  7. Take a screenshot
  8. Handle platform differences
  9. Configure status bar, splash screen and app icon


npm run reset-project

这个命令非常实用,因为默认创建的代码,默认的两个 tab 改起来非常麻烦。直接通过这个命令就能重置代码:

Let's run the reset-project script to remove the boilerplate code, previous files from app and other directories (components, constants, and hooks — containing boilerplate code) are moved inside the app-example directory by the script. We'll create our own directories and component files as we go along.

Root layout

The app/_layout.tsx file. It defines shared UI elements such as headers and tab bars so they are consistent between different routes.


Import Ionicons icons set from @expo/vector-icons — a library that includes popular icon sets.


在写聊天 app 的过程中,摸索了半天导入本地图片的方法,没想到在这里看到里详细的说明:

We'll use expo-image library to display the image in the app. It provides a cross-platform image component to load and render an image.

npx expo install expo-image


import { Image } from 'expo-image';

const PlaceholderImage = require('@/assets/images/background-image.png');


React Native includes a few different components for handling touch events, but is recommended for its flexibility. It can detect single taps, long presses, trigger separate events when the button is pushed in and released, and more.


showsHorizontalScrollIndicator={Platform.OS === 'web'}

react native 中 FlatList 的使用场景


类似于 android 中的 RecyclerView

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React Native 跨平台应用开发教程

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